Date Te rā me te wā
11 Nov 2023
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Location Te wāhi
New Zealand Maritime Museum -
More info He pārongo atu anō
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Join contemporary jeweller Neke Moa (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Ahuriri, Ngāti Porou, Tūwharetoa Ngāti Matepū, Ngāi Tū, and Ngāti Whakāri) in this hands-on workshop exploring binding, knot making and body adornment. Neke has a unique Māori adornment and sculptural practice, drawing on found or gifted materials by te taiao (the environment). You will look at her work, Hinemoana and use seashells and twine to create your own special taonga. Spaces are limited to just 15 for each workshop so book online today.
Getting there Te huarahi ki reira
The Museum is a short walk from the centre of town and Britomart station. There are also parking buildings nearby on Pakenham St East and Market Lane.