Date Te rā me te wā
25 May 2024
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Location Te wāhi
The Wine Cellar -
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NZ Art Rock band Sheeps makes a bold debut with their record ‘Working the Machine,’ out this April through AllGood Absolute Alternative Records.
Exploring the pitfalls of capitalism, the ever-tightening global technological stranglehold, the electoral illusion of choice, and the prospect of failure after lifelong endeavour, the album is a statement on the modern struggles of the working class in a brave new, damaged era.
‘Working the Machine’ sees Sheeps as champions of the 99% – the down-trodden majority, who keep the world turning, poised moments from revolt – with the band’s sound on the album reflecting this overarching churning continuum on the verge of disintegration.
The album draws heavily from late ‘90s Radiohead, early A Perfect Circle, and ‘70s era Pink Floyd, in a conglomeration that stands distinctive in its own right – punching up, with the ambition to transcend the class divide and assert Sheeps as contemporaries amongst these influences.
Pre-sales: $15+bf
Door Sales: $20
Doors open: 8pm
Gig starts: 9pm
Getting there Te huarahi ki reira
Take the City Link or InnerLink bus, both of which stop nearby. If you're driving, there are several paid parking options available in the area.
Local tip He tīwhiri mō te rohe
If you're looking for a break from the music and crowd, head upstairs to the bar and enjoy a drink or two before or after a gig.