Date Te rā me te wā
15 Nov 2023
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Location Te wāhi
Bruce Mason Centre -
More info He pārongo atu anō
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Historians Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook are interrogating the past and attempting to de-tangle the present.
They question the nature of Greatness, why the West no longer has civil wars and whether Richard Nixon was more like Caligula or Claudius.
They're distilling the entirety of human history, or, as much as they can fit into about fifty minutes.
Getting there Te huarahi ki reira
Bruce Mason Centre is 15-20 minutes by car from the city centre, and easily accessible by bus. The closest paid parking is the Killarney Street car park, operated by Auckland Transport.
Local tip He tīwhiri mō te rohe
Leave plenty of spare time in case there’s traffic on the motorway or around the Takapuna village. Even better – get dinner or a pre-show drink nearby so you can soak up the bustling beachfront vibe.