More info He pārongo atu anō
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Looking to slow down, recharge, lower those cortisol levels? We’ve got the remedy waiting for you at Unyoked. Located in Auckland’s best kept secret, Kawakawa Bay, each cabin is surrounded by a native forest home and some of the largest and oldest trees and unique birdlife in New Zealand. You’ll find all the creature comforts including a comfy bed and fresh high quality linen, free local teas, free fresh local coffee beans, a mini-fridge stocked with New Zealand craft beers, Unyoked’s unique pre-made cocktails and local wines. Here, you’ll also share the space with a river, cascading waterfalls and swimming holes. And for some cabins; a wood-fired bathtub or pizza oven too. Human nature needs nature. Unyoked helps you get there.
Getting there Te huarahi ki reira
Town: 55 minutes from Auckland and 15 minutes from Clevedon., Airport: 45 mins (43km) to Auckland International Airport., Bus: 15 minutes., Parking: One parking spot available for each cabin.
Local tip He tīwhiri mō te rohe
Pack and couple of changes of clothes, decent walking shoes, a rain coast and back pack for wet weather.