More info He pārongo atu anō
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Dans le Noir ? is a unique, powerful, and distinctive experience with three main benefits:
A sensory journey: Dining in absolute darkness is a sensory experience that awakens your senses and enables you to completely re-evaluate your perception of taste and smell.
A social experience: Darkness frees inhibitions and fosters conviviality without judgment and preconceptions. Communication is more intense, authentic, and spontaneous. It is also a digital detox.
A human exchange: A human experience where those with visual impairments become your eyes and guides for a short time in an intriguing, sensual world.
Getting there Te huarahi ki reira
Dans le Noir ? is in Grand Millennium Auckland, located in the vibrant Aotea entertainment precinct.
Local tip He tīwhiri mō te rohe
Book ahead! Reservations are a must for this incredible experience.