ATEED hosted two positive industry insights workshops focused on building the tourism capability and knowledge within Auckland's Māori tourism businesses.

The first workshop was held on the 8 May, and commenced with an overview of travel trade led by Joey Rihari, Director of KUPU Tourism. This was followed by a presentation from Dan Penner, Regional Manager for Viator, the world's leading online travel agent (OTA) for tours and activities, which focused on providing an overview of the Viator and further explained the role of an OTA.

The second insights workshop was held on 22 June with guest speaker Nick Guthrey, General Manager for ANZCRO, a preeminent seller of travel to New Zealand. The purpose of this workshop was to better understand wholesalers and the role they play in assisting tourism businesses.

Both sessions were thoroughly enjoyed by operators in attendance, and ATEED would like to give a special shout-out to Joey, Dan and Nick for sharing some invaluable insights with our cluster.