With the level of Auckland Council film permit inquiries and applications at an all-time high, and a huge amount of development going on in Auckland, we’d like to update you on what that means for your planning of location shoots within the central city, Wynyard Quarter and inner-Auckland suburbs.
The following streets will be impacted by City Rail Link (CRL) at different stages from now until 2024: Wellesley St, Victoria St, Albert St, Mayoral Dr, Beresford Sq, Mercury Ln, Cross St, Canada St, Pitt St, Lower Queen St and New North Rd. Refer to the CRL website or sign up to its newsletter for more details. 
Karangahape Rd is being enhanced through a joint Council and Auckland Transport project that aims to preserve character while creating an environment that meets the needs of a growing population. Refer to the AT website or sign up to updates for more information. 
Downtown Auckland is going through a 10-year transformation, with significant work underway in Quay St. Refer to the Downtown programme  or Quay Street enhancements for detailed updates and areas affected. There are also multiple hotel constructions starting in the Britomart Precinct along with the redevelopment of Westfield Newmarket. 
Preparation for the 36th America's Cup taking place in 2021 has started, including road works in Westhaven Dr, Beaumont St, Daldy St, Gaunt St and Halsey St to support upgrades to Wynyard Quarter and Viaduct. Stay across this at Council's America's Cup infrastructure web page or call 0800 WYNYARD. 
With all of the above works, central city parking buildings are extremely busy, and numerous on-street parking areas have been removed. So filming and production parking within AT facilities will need to be considered on a case by case basis.    
We are keen to ensure your production needs are met as much as possible, and to help us do that AT has suggested you provide as much information as possible about your production to your Screen Auckland Film Facilitator with sufficient lead time to work through feasibility.  

If you have any questions, talk to the Film Facilitation team